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Tag: distance learning

Little girl putting ornament on tree, winter celebrations in culturally responsive classrooms blog header

Winter Celebrations in Culturally-Responsive Classrooms

With these tips, and the incredible resources and contributions of your students’ families, you’ll make this year’s holiday celebration one that students will remember, cherish, and learn from too.

Family Engagement Study

2021 Family Engagement Study: Insights for Building Effective School-Family Partnerships

Research comparing COVID-19 distance learning family engagement insights from the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.

translated video caption press release blog header

Engage All Families with Translated Video Captions

We are so excited to announce the availability of our latest feature making TalkingPoints more accessible than ever before. TalkingPoints translated video captioning makes it super easy for teachers to […]

translating challenges into success at academy of world languages

Engaging Families Across Languages During Remote Learning: Translating Challenges Into Success at Academy of World Languages (AWL)

Across the country, families and educators alike faced an abrupt and challenging transition to remote learning this past school year. The staff at Academy of World Languages (AWL), a magnet […]

Family engagement 2020: Silver linings and lessons learned

Much has been written about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. Stay-at-home orders and the shift to distance learning exposed and exacerbated existing inequities, challenged already overworked teachers […]

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