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Read about TalkingPoints in the news. We don't like to toot our own horn, but love it when others do.


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Causal Study Shows TalkingPoints’ Universal Family Engagement Platform Drove 24% Decrease in Absence Rates

Today, TalkingPoints, an education technology nonprofit dedicated to improving student outcomes through effective family-school partnerships, shared findings from a causal research study that shows the use of TalkingPoints resulted in statistically significant improvements in attendance rates in Tulsa Public Schools.


What 40 Million Messages Tell Us About Parent-Teacher Communication

Successes were seen for TalkingPoints, a family engagement platform that connects teachers and caregivers in more than 150 languages and improved student state-standardized math scores by nine points.

Chronicle of Philanthropy

Education Success Starts With Family Involvement. Why Aren’t Donors Funding It?

Successes were seen for TalkingPoints, an artificial intelligence platform that connects teachers and caregivers in more than 150 languages and improved student state-standardized math scores by nine points.

How AI and Other Tech Tools Might be Used to Strengthen Family-School Partnerships

The reality is that investing in a tool like TalkingPoints is relatively low-cost and high-impact compared to many other school improvement programs.

Schools Must Know If Their Learning-Loss Programs Work — Before ESSER Funds End

Overdeck foundation founder shares how solutions like TalkingPoints improve academic outcomes in proven and affordable ways.

The Most Underutilized Resource in Schools – Families

Heejae Lim on how building school-family partnerships can help accelerate learning recovery and ease the burden on teachers. “Investing in family-school partnerships requires no new staff, but requires new mindsets. It taps into the basic math that a student spends much more time at home than in school, as well as the basic truth that a parent’s love for their child is universal.”

New Profit Invests in Five Social Impact Organizations Transforming the Education and Economic Systems in America

New Profit, the venture philanthropy organization, announced today an investment in TalkingPoints as one of five nonprofit organizations addressing economic and educational inequities in communities and school systems throughout the country. These investments are part of New Profit’s ongoing efforts to expand its portfolio of high-impact organizations led by visionary entrepreneurs who center the assets, expertise, and aspirations of the communities they serve.

Q&A: TED Fellow Heejae Lim on Using Tech to Strengthen Family-School Engagement

In her TED talk, Heejae Lim, the only education leader selected as part of the class of 2022 TED Fellows Program, shares how 4 in 5 children in US schools who come from under-resourced and/or immigrant families and are more likely to fall behind – sometimes by as much as two school years. This equates to 40 million children, and represents a loss to the US economy of one trillion dollars each year. Her nonrprofit TalkingPoints helps close this achievement gap by unlocking the potential of families in driving student success.

Here’s one easy way schools can communicate multilingually with families

TalkingPoints’ CEO Heejae Lim, the only education leader selected among the 20 changemakers in the 2022 TED Fellows program, shares the importance of increasing engagement for underserved and multilingual families, and how the TalkingPoints platform removes language and other barriers between schools and families so that students can thrive.

Why Do Schools Send So Many Emails? They Don’t Have To

Back-to-school means back to checking emails, texts, apps and social-media pages for notes from teachers. For parents, managing school chatter can feel like another full-time job. What if schools agreed on one channel for communications? The Wall Street Journal finds that TalkingPoints was named as the best family communication platform for teachers and schools.

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