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Testimonial Consent and Release

Authorization and Release:

I understand my testimonial as written or described on the TalkingPoints Educator Stories form, and made by me (hereinafter the “Testimonial”) on behalf of TalkingPoints, along with its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents and assigns, (collectively the “Company”) may be used in connection with publicizing and promoting the Company and its products and services.  I authorize the Company to use my name, the Testimonial and my likeness/image for the purposes outlined herein.

I hereby irrevocably authorize the Company to copy, publish, exhibit or distribute the Testimonial and my likeness/image for the purposes of publicizing the Company’s products, materials, software and services or for any other lawful purpose.  The Testimonial and my likeness/image may be used in printed publications, presentations, within social media posts, on websites, online videos, in television, radio or electronic media, in mailings or in any other distribution media or via presentations.  I agree that I will make no monetary or other claims against the Company for the use of the Testimonial and/or my likeness/image.

In addition, I unconditionally waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product in which my Testimonial and/or likeness/image appears. 

I hereby hold harmless and release the Company from all claims, demands and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this Consent and Release.

I have read this Consent and Release and give my consent in perpetuity, without my prior approval to the use of the Testimonial and my likeness/image as indicated above.

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