Educators and families: Close this education gap and ensure better student learning

Group 2248

New research finds a gap between the information educators and families need from one another to build strong school-family connections — a critical finding since family engagement translates to better learning outcomes for students. 



In short, families want more academic progress and behavior updates from educators, while educators want more information on student social-emotional wellness and family circumstances from families. 

What can teachers do to close this education gap? Share (and help families share) this information to close this gap and ensure more student learning. 




To see how TalkingPoints can help close the gap in your community, request a demo here.


About the research:

Data comes from TalkingPoints’ Spring 2022 Impact Survey designed by its in-house research team. The survey includes responses from 221 educators across early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school, and 1,217 English and Spanish-speaking families. Read more findings and actions to take from this research at

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