
An End-of-Year Message from Our Founder

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December 18, 2020

As the year comes to a close, we wanted to thank you and wish you Happy Holidays. Despite the many challenges of 2020, there have been silver linings. For me, both personally and professionally, one of those has been a recognition of the profound impact of connection and the importance of community.  While distance has kept us apart from family, friends and colleagues, we’ve all found creative new ways to connect and come together. 

This was illustrated by the millions of you who pivoted to remote learning, in record time, and in the face of those challenges, strengthened your connections and remained steadfast in your commitment to student success. In the words of one of our teachers:

“TalkingPoints has been a lifesaver through this pandemic for my high school with a large English Learner population. As the sole ESL teacher, I’ve been able to reach many parents that I wasn’t able to reach through email or by phone. It is now the main form of communication between our staff and the 400 English Learner families.“

On behalf of the entire TalkingPoints team, I wish you Happy Holidays and warm wishes for the New Year.  We look forward to our continued partnership and many great things to come in 2021. 


Heejae Lim

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