5 Strategies to Enter the Year with Your Family Engagement Plan Done

Back to school is right around the corner, and as a school or district leader, you may be working to finalize strategies and PD plans for the new school year. On the long checklist of things you need to do to prepare for the year—and the people you need to include—what if engaging families became a critical part of expanding your support team instead of an item on the to-do list? As one administrator put it, “Families are the greatest unpaid workforce a school has.”
In this edWebinar, we offer five easy and effective strategies to tap into families and put them—this staff you didn’t even know you had—to work in service of supporting positive student outcomes. These strategies will equip administrators with a proactive plan aligned with the school calendar that will make family engagement grab-and-go from the first day of school to the last. Viewers hear perspectives of school and district leaders and leave with a toolkit of actionable, practical family engagement resources.
Meet our “5 Strategies” presenters:
Get the Guide & Watch the Recording